Salers Gentiane

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Needs 6 Ingredients

Tonic water, Quinta do Infantado white port, Salers Gentiane, Lemon juice, Simple syrup, Peychaud's bitters

Needs 8 Ingredients

Avenues and Alleyways
Avenues and Alleyways
Absinthe, Scrappy’s Celery Bitters, Fennel Syrup, Salers Gentiane, Italicus Rosolio, Cocchi Americano, Krogstad aquavit, Sombra Mezcal
Higher Ground
Higher Ground
Warre's White Port, Plymouth Navy Strength Gin, Massenez Pear Eau-de-vie, Lemon juice, Cane syrup, Salers Gentiane, Scrappy's Cardamom Bitters, Seltzer